Friday, October 16, 2009

Team Coverage with TestDriven.Net

I’ve been playing with NCover and NCoverExplorer Community Edition recently.  I also look at Team Coverage which is embedded inside Visual Studio 2008.

Rapidly, in understood that only MSTest is supported with Team Coverage.  I know that an add-in exists to support MbUnit tests but I did not look into it.  Actually, I always used TestDriven.Net so I’ve never complained about the fact that VS does not support MbUnit out of the box.

Then I remembered that TestDriven.Net proposed us a list of frameworks and tools to “Test With” in the context menu.  There you’ll find 2 options: Coverage and Team Coverage!


I first tried Coverage (with NCover) but the coverage results were empty and I’m not sure what went wrong exactly.  Next I’ve tried Team Coverage…  It worked on the first try, I got the data in the Code Coverage Results pane and code highlighting and everything else I had in NCoverExplorer!


From now on I’ll be using this trick when doing unit tests to check if I got it all covered.

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